Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lithatide and the Pagan Pride Saucy Solstice Faerie Burlesque evening

Well I haven't written for a while as I had a bit of a bereavement (my darling black cat and 'familiar', Calliope) and then got rather busy with Pagan Pride UK, whose committee I have just joined, but I have still been continuing my tarot journey both with readings for myself and for others.  In particular I just got a new divination deck, Oracle of the Dragonfae, which chimes very well with my personal path (I follow Dragon Spirituality as taught by Esme Spiderwitch).  Its published by Blue Angel and is written by Lucy Cavendish, author of Oracle of Shadows and Light, another favourite of mine (especially if not mostly because the artist is the wonderful Jasmine Becket-Griffith).  I have copies of both oracles for sale at £15 if anybody would like their own set - just email me. 

On Sunday I had a fabulous time doing readings at a Pagan Pride fundraising event, the Saucy Solstice Faerie Burlesque evening.  I was lucky enough to be reading alongside my good friend Sarah from Temperance Tarot and between us we raised a good amount of money towards this year's Pagan Pride festival and had a great time into the bargain.  The acts were all fantastic (and the audience too!) and I was honoured to help various attendees address some personal issues on their plate through the power of Tarot.  I used both my Deviant Moon and Magical Forest decks so that people had a choice of 'dark' and 'light' decks.

I spent yesterday, Midsummer's Day, with Esme Spiderwitch doing Pagan outreach with charity Headway, spending time with people who have suffered brain injuries to celebrate the solstice.  We talked a bit about what the season means to us and others on a pagan path, and worked with the service users to make paper butterflies to decorate their garden and then making patchwork pieces for the Pagan Pride Community Quilt.  It was a great day and it felt right to spend the holy day giving something back to others, as I've felt very blessed recently.

Love and light to all, Charlotte Aurora